A Special Happy Mother’s Day

" Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while,but their heart's forever." - This week’s blog posting is dedicated to all  Mother’s working in the beauty profession. Trying to earn a living,be a good mother or owning your own business is a gigantic challenge for all women ; especially single mother's  who want a better life for yourself and your family. It is my wish that my blog from my new book I will be publishing soon, A Women’s Guide to Success and Happiness, [Click here to read full article...]

2013-05-12T12:00:28-07:00May 12th, 2013|

Five Tips on Clearly Defining Your Terms of Employment

  "How can you expect your team to perform if  they don't know what's expected and how your expectations  will be measured."          I’m always asked the same questions by salon owners. How do I deal with a problem employee who refuses to be part of my team? How do I deal with salon gossip and pettiness? How do I avoid staff turnover? How do I improve staff performance? The list of chalenges goes on and on. Before you make the decision to add a [Click here to read full article...]

2013-02-24T10:19:28-08:00February 24th, 2013|

Combating Rising Business Costs

 "The easiest way to improve profits is to cut wasteful overhead expenses." Jon Gonzales As we exit from the holidays and begin a new year, the cost of owning your own business will escalate; rising taxes, fees, and operating business costs, and what many see as a slowing economy will bring many challenges to business growth and profitability. As business costs rise, profits are lower or nonexistent. This coupled with your personal living expenses, costs such as food, gas, etc. will require you to start [Click here to read full article...]

2013-01-13T10:00:28-08:00January 13th, 2013|

Overcoming the Peaks and Valleys of Salon Ownership

  " The keys to overcoming too many valleys is to learn from your mistakes and move on with determination." - Jon Gonzales   Owning your own business can be very challenging in today’s tough economy. Salon owners must wear many hats, business man or woman, managing people, finding ways to gain more customers, motivating staff, combating rising business costs, new laws on minimum and overtime requirements,overcoming the many challenges of salon ownership, lack of time, all the while working 10-12 hours behind the chair [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:37:11-07:00August 19th, 2012|

Tips to Growing Your Business

" A trial and error approach to growing your business in a tough economy is just too costly." Jon Gonzales As we approach the end of summer, it is time to plan for the rest of the year and into next year. As we try to grow our business in the middle of a very volatile and uncertain economy, many salon owners will struggle to not only survive but also to improve profits. Despite these challenges, I believe salons that are well managed will flourish. [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:59:11-07:00August 12th, 2012|

Tips on Improving Staff Performance and Productivity

  'The salon owner who is able to create conditions that foster loyalty will be presented with countless opportunities."   As I travel the country I am always asked how I can improve staff performance and productivity. Establishing strong work habits and positive attitudes within your salon is a major challenge to salon owners. Many of these attitudes were probably formed by other salons or at many of our beauty schools. Most salons fail from within. A house divided will make it difficult to promote [Click here to read full article...]

2021-09-30T11:59:03-07:00July 13th, 2012|

Mistakes Hairdessers Should Avoid

"It is a mistake to look too far ahead.Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled one at a time."- Winston Churchill Many of us with experience were unprepared for a competitive job market. Many thought that graduating from beauty school would be all that we would need to build our careers. Much of the education today is outdated and and needs reform. Unfortunately there were other skills we failed to develop such as people and communication skills, excelling at customer service, [Click here to read full article...]

2021-09-30T11:59:03-07:00June 3rd, 2012|

Time for Educational Reform

  "Develop a passion for learning and self improvement. if you do,you will never cease to grow." As I travel throughout the United States and Canada conducting my presentations at major hair shows and conducting my business seminars for salon owners, I am always asked the same questions. How can I prevent and overcome staff turnover? How can I compete with booth rental salons? Why can't we as salon owners not have an equal playing field? How can I find committed hairdressers? Why do many [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:37:11-07:00May 27th, 2012|

Tips for Developing Your Salon Coordinator

" The easiest way to find more time is to organize and delegate." Have you ever felt overwhelmed as a salon owner due to time restraints? There always seems to be little time to meet the challenges of salon ownership. How do I monitor customer feedback? How do I find time to monitor staff performance? How do I find time to balance my personal life and business? How to I find time to promote and market my salon? How do I find time to [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:35:51-07:00April 27th, 2012|

Excellence Starts at The Top

" Authority does not make you a leader; it gives you the opportunity to be one." If you can’t manage yourself, how can you expect to manage your team? Whether you like it or not, you are captain of your team. If you expect excellence within your staff, then you must lead the way in developing excellence within yourself as a salon owner. It’s important to understand, that your teams winning attitude starts with you. Your ability to develop a team spirit where everyone [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:33:37-07:00March 31st, 2012|

Tips to Developing Your Championship Team

"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress,working together is success."- Henry Ford The inability to hire the right people when adding a new member to your team is one of the leading causes of staff turnover and business interruption. Our business is such that we must rely heavily on the performance and stability of our staff to keep growing our business. No business can grow and improve profits with a team that do not share your goals and values. A house divided will [Click here to read full article...]

2012-03-11T01:15:13-08:00March 11th, 2012|

How to Find Quality Education

"A trial and error approach to finding quality education is unacceptable."   - Jon Gonzales It is getting more and more difficult to find quality education that meets job market and consumer demands. How do hairdressers and salon owners find unbiased education that focuses on their educational and business needs? Innovation  in education is needed if we are to keep pace with other professions. Learning by trial and error is just unacceptable anymore. Tomorrow's business minded professional will have to know more than how to cut [Click here to read full article...]

2012-02-12T01:47:13-08:00February 12th, 2012|

Common Mistakes Hairdressers Should Avoid

" Identify and learn from your mistakes and build on your successes." Here’s a list of common hairdresser mistakes that we have probably all made at one time or another while working in a salon.  By avoiding these simple mistakes, you can improve your earning potential and grow your career. As professionals we must all do our part in raising the image of our profession to a higher level . The following simple guidelines will help us in our efforts at client retention. Irregular Work [Click here to read full article...]

2012-01-19T20:35:02-08:00January 19th, 2012|

Guidelines to Owning a Successful and Profitable Salon

" Many people will argue that education is expensive --- try Ignorance!" A recent government study showed that 94% of all business failures were due to poor business management skills on the part of the owner. Although 2012 will be a very challenging year for salon owners, I feel 2012 can be a great year for well managed salons. Salon owners who develop powerful business management skills you will learn how to work smarter, not harder and succeed. Salon owners who know how  to identify [Click here to read full article...]

2012-01-07T22:33:58-08:00January 7th, 2012|

8 Tips On Combating a Tough Economy

" There is no failure except in no longer trying." - Elbert Hubbard Owning your own business can be daunting especially after the holidays  during a slow economy. Why is it that some salons thrive in a good and tough economy? Why is it that some salons are thriving while others are struggling just to survive? There are many reasons, poor staff selection, poor planning, salon gossip and pettiness, lack of leadership skills, poor business management skills and the list goes on and on. Unfortunately [Click here to read full article...]

2011-12-04T00:34:27-08:00December 4th, 2011|

Honesty and a Code of Ethics

" There is no substitute for basic honesty and integrity in one's life." Many hairdressers and salon owners are experiencing many challenges in trying to provide a better life for themselves and their families. In order to raise our standard of living and  make this a reality, we must join together as professionals and address a topic that is hurting our salons, our profession, and our livelihoods. The purpose of this message is to combat turnover and help bridge the gap between salon owners and [Click here to read full article...]

2011-09-24T23:02:22-07:00September 24th, 2011|

Why Do Hairdressers Change Jobs? Who is at Fault?

"Integrity is telling myself the truth, and honesty is telling the truth to others." One of the leading obstacles to business growth and   long term success is turnover.  No business can continue to grow and remain profitable with a constant merry go round of staff turnover. Our business is such that we must rely heavily on the performance and stability of our staff to maintain business growth and stability. In order for us to make this a reality we must examine the causes of staff [Click here to read full article...]

2011-08-28T10:48:11-07:00August 28th, 2011|

Five Tips for Balancing Your Personal and Business Life!

Five Tips for Balancing Your Personal and Business Life " I measure wealth not by money but by family and fulfillment." As I travel throughout the country, I’m asked all the time especially from single mother’s and women with children how do I balance my personal and family life with my job or business. Depending on your financial needs, you must determine what will make you happy. You must also determine your financial needs as well.  If you own a business the challenges are even [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:18:13-07:00July 24th, 2011|

Five Tips to Growing Your Business

" Customer service should be a high priority in growing your business." Salon owners face many challenges in today’s competitive and difficult business environment. Rising business costs, rising competition, price wars, and the list goes on and on. Finding answers to these challenges by trial and error is just too costly” The key to owning a successful and profitable business will depend on many factors. One of the key factors to growing your business and owning and growing a successful business will depend on [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:17:43-07:00July 9th, 2011|

Five Tips for Improving Staff Performance

"The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team." John Wooden Five Tips for Improving Staff Performance One of the biggest challenges of owning a hair/spa salon business is improving staff performance and productivity. It starts with the owner. Excellence does start at the top. Before you can manage others you must be able to manage yourself if you want to earn the trust and respect of your team. Managing people who share your vision and goals can be daunting. The question [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T09:08:59-07:00April 15th, 2011|


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