The Practical, No Nonsense Success & Leadership Guide For The Busy Salon Owner
“If you can’t manage yourself, you’ll never be able to manage others.” — Jon Gonzales
Do you know the overwhelming cause why so many people fail in business? It’s not from a lack of ambition, or drive, or even money.
Most businesses fail because of poor management. In fact, an astounding 92% of small businesses go under because the owner just couldn’t or wouldn’t learn effective management skills.
Unless you can improve staff performance & productivity – learning to cultivate your employee’s talents while motivating every member of your team to higher levels of excellence – your salon will never succeed.
This book, “Developing Your Skills” is written for the busy salon owner who wants to develop powerful leadership and people management skills, but are finding that working both behind the chair and running the day to day operations are slowing them down in this crucial area.
Leadership is Essential!
If you’re going to improve staff performance & productivity, you must develop powerful leadership skills, taking your salon & your entire team to higher levels of excellence.
Now here’s the good news: Effective leaders are made, not born. In this groundbreaking book I teach you the skills you’ll be needing for making sure your employees are working for you — and not against you.
You start off by taking a detailed 41-question quiz about your management and leadership skills.
These questions have opened many a failing manager’s eyes — bringing into focus what areas they’ve been neglecting — or even never addressing in the first place.
- Procedures
- Communication
- Education
- Competition
- Morale… and much, much more…
All are explored, because each is an integral part of running a successful salon.
26 Traits And Qualities Of A True Leader
Do you know the 26 essential qualities a true leader must have for bringing out the best in both themselves and the people they hire?
Here are just a few of the crucial areas we discuss in “Developing Your Skills”:
- Needs vs. Emotions — How to make decisions based on facts, not guesswork.
- Communication & Employee Feedback — Critical if you want to stop personnel problems before they ever begin.
- Trust, Confidence & Loyalty — Why fear and intimidationnot only don’t work, they backfire!
- Professional Appearance — Face it, if you don’t take pride in your looks, why should anyone else? Your salon becomes an extension of you — make sure it reflects only a positive, upbeat image.
- Competitive Spirit — Competition is good! It not only brings out the best in people, it brings about better service for your customers and clients.
- Sales Skills — You’re in business to make money. While this may not be the only reason — it’s a darn important one! Unless you master the art of selling, all the smiles in the world won’t keep your salon in the black.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s inside this must have guide!
For instance…
- Prima Donna Hairdressers — Have you ever thought you were being “held hostage” by these good but difficult hairdressers? I show you how to keep them under control, and from hurting employee morale.
- Reputation — Are you building a reputation for your hairdressers? Then find out why this ISN’T the way to go!
- Making WINNERS — Excellence in anything takes time and dedication, and that’s true for training your employees as well. I detail how to turn average ability into great talent!
- Teamwork — Unless everyone on your staff is focusing on the same goal, your salon is not going to prosper. Uncover my treasure trove of tips and methods for getting everyone moving towards the ultimate game — success!
I don’t leave anything to guesswork or chance. I not only spell out in precise detail what steps you should be taking in turning your salon into a winner, but the pitfalls you must avoid as well.
From dealing with problem hairdressers, to enforcing your salon’s policies, to developing a workable employees handbook — I cover it all. I even go into those truly difficult situations — firing an unproductive or disruptive employee.
FOR ALL SALON OWNERS (& Those Wanting To Be!)
“Developing Your Skills” is a must-have reference and guide for anyone dealing with the pressures of owning and operating their own salon.
- Why waste another moment dealing with lackluster performance and testy employees?
- Why go through months or even years of unproductive trial & error?
- Why struggle — when you can soar?
You, your salon and your bank account will be glad you did!
Here’s to exciting & lasting success,
Jon Gonzales
P.S. Rest assured every method, every tactic, every recommendation you’ll soon be reading has been tested by yours truly in the only arena that counts for anything: The real world. If you want a guide that truly works in creating and building a superior salon, you won’t find anything better — at any price.