Developing Your Skills
A Message from the Author
Chapter One: Taking Responsibility
- Overcoming Obstacles of the Past
- The Success Solution: Take Time to Develop
Your Staff management Skills - Excellence Begins with a Strong Staff
Development Program
Why So Many Salons Are Failing
- Educational Reforms
- Beauty Schools
- Trial and Error is Just Too Costly
Do You Have What It Takes
- Measuring Your Strengths and Weaknesses
- The Salon Owner/ Manager Quiz
Chapter Two: Personal Leadership
- Determine your Goals and Objectives
Your business Plan - Developing Leadership Skills
- Helping Your Employees Reach Higher Levels of Excellence
The Captain of the Team
What leaders have in Common
Exploring Successful Leadership Skills
- Overcoming Time Restraints
Build the Reputation of Your Salon Not Your Hairdressers
Chapter Three: Staff Management
Managing a Winning Team
- Making Winners out of Your Staff
- Instill a Team Spirit
- People Management
Employee Training and Development
- Developing Your Team
- Define Job Descriptions
- What to Include In a Job Description
- Provide on going support
- Benefits of Performance Review
- Managing for Improved Performance and Productivity
- Sample: Performance and Productivity Report
- Sample: Employee Progress Report
- Benefits of Monitoring Employee Performance
- You’re Employee Handbook
- Make customer Service a High Priority
- Management, squats for Knowledge and Information
Understanding Human Behavior
- The importance of This Key Management Skill
- Negative Behavior and Owner Responses
- Identify the Causes of Negative Behavior
Keys to Motivating People
Dealing with Problem Employees
- Preventative Actions
- Redirecting Your Problem Employee
- When All Else Fails
Twelve Keys to Successful Management
In Conclusion
About the Author
About Hairdresser Career Development systems
Educational Products and Services of Interest