Hairdresser’s Guide to Success

Why is it that some hairdressers make it big while others just get by? How do they stand above the crowd and gain that all important competitive edge? What secret hairdresser's guide do they follow to see such sweeping success? The truth is there are no magic secrets to being a peak performer than just following a few guidelines. The good news is that you will probably win by default because few in our profession will not take the time to learn; far too many [Click here to read full article...]

2018-04-05T15:50:21-07:00October 8th, 2017|

Best Business Tips for Improving Your Salon

Business Tips for Improving Your Salon In today’s tough and changing economy, improving the growth and profitability of your business should be a high priority. You can no longer afford to just hope that everything is going to get better. As leader of your team it is your responsibility to take your business and team to a higher level. Your staff’s livelihood depends on your decision making efforts in growing and making your business more profitable and fulfilling, not only for yourself, but also for [Click here to read full article...]

2017-10-01T00:01:51-07:00October 1st, 2017|

Combating Burnout

   "Find a place within where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain." --- Joseph Campbell Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? Do you sometimes lack the energy to perform at peak performance? Do you sometimes feel tired with no energy? Do you sometimes feel all stressed out, and worry about your bills? Do you find yourself sometimes feeling bored at work? Burnout is usually caused by physical and mental exhaustion caused by stress and worry, fatigue and other factors. Signs or symptoms [Click here to read full article...]

2017-09-23T11:41:12-07:00September 24th, 2017|

Overcoming Time Restraints

"Improve your time and your time will improve your efforts. - Jon Gonzales Overcoming Time Restraints Salon owners must wear many while trying to build a profitable and successful business. Developing your business management skills, human resource expert, managing people, marketing expert, and the heavy duties and responsibilities of owning your own business, can seem overwhelming , especially working behind the chair 10-12 hours a day. How does one find time to accomplish all these tasks? In the beauty industry time is money. Your ability [Click here to read full article...]

2017-09-16T23:23:48-07:00September 17th, 2017|

Building Customer Loyalty to Your Business

"Building customer loyalty to your business will require a powerful communication strategy with your customers." - Jon Gonzales What sets one's salon apart from another is more than just the quality of their stylists and services. It is how well they connect with their customers and future customers. Exceeding client expectations should be a high priority. Sadly, many salons and hairdressers take their loyal customers for granted and fail to bond with their customers by developing strong personal relationships with them. This kind of behavior [Click here to read full article...]

2017-09-10T12:00:34-07:00September 10th, 2017|

Conquering Your Breaking Point

Salon Owners: Learn How to Avoid Reaching Your Breaking Point "Face your challenges head on with self confidence!" - Jon Gonzales Does this sometimes sound familiar? You're booked solid and eager for a busy day,when a staff member calls in sick at the last minute on a busy Saturday. You just received your profit and loss statement from your accountant telling you your cash flow is in the negative. Another one of your hairdressers is late for work. You’ve just found out a disgruntled ex-hairdresser [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T08:37:38-07:00September 3rd, 2017|

Your Road to Financial Independence

There are plenty of ways to get ahead financially. The first is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to say it: spend less than you earn -- Jon Gonzales The purpose of  writing this blog on this topic is to call your attention to  get you started on planning  your financial security and financial future.   I know most people in our profession will not think this post is interesting, and will ignore this post. In my opinion this information will prove invaluable over time. This is [Click here to read full article...]

2018-08-28T00:29:36-07:00August 13th, 2017|

Salon Owners Must Speak Out!

" There are no rules here,we as salon owners must speak out" - Jon Gonzales After 43 years in the trenches as a working hairdresser/salon owner  and 10 years as an consultant and educator ,I feel I have earned the right to speak out and voice my concerns and opinions about the challenges facing hairdressers, salon owners and our profession as a whole. Although I am expressing my own views, I know many of my colleagues share these same views. Far too many salon owners [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T08:37:38-07:00July 30th, 2017|

How to Measure Your Success and Happiness

                  "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished.but by what you should have accomplished." - John Wooden  People measure success and happiness in many ways. Many people measure success by wealth, while other people measure success in other areas. Personally I never measure success and happiness based just on money alone. We know that wealth does not guarantee total happiness. I personally measure wealth by family, peace of mind, good health, fulfillment and helping and impacting the lives of  others. Of course we [Click here to read full article...]

2017-07-02T11:09:29-07:00July 2nd, 2017|

Finding Quality and Affordable Education

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." - Gandhi Finding quality and affordable education in the beauty profession is becoming increasingly difficult. In my opinion 90% of education in the beauty profession is focused on the needs of product companies seeking to brand their name or products. Yes retail is important, but more and more of these product companies urge us to sell their products to the consumer only to see these same products sold at [Click here to read full article...]

2018-06-30T22:35:57-07:00June 11th, 2017|

Apprenticeship Junior Stylist Program

There is a tremendous need for an on-the-job apprenticeship junior stylist training program for new hairdressers after graduating from beauty school. Unfortunately, lack of hands-on experience  on real customers is a major challenge facing employers when adding new members to your team. With the new minimum wage and overtime laws, this makes our challenges more difficult. Salon owners are struggling to find well trained professionals who are capable of meeting and exceeding higher levels of excellence in meeting high job market and consumer demands without [Click here to read full article...]

2017-10-14T09:26:43-07:00May 28th, 2017|

Keeping Customers Part 1:

Keeping Customers in today’s competitive and changing business environment is challenging to say the least. Salon owners can no longer afford a trial-and-error approach to client retention. With skyrocketing business costs, heightened consumer demands, rising competition, and the escalating costs of marketing and advertising, salon owners cannot afford the devastating effects of customer’s just too costly. Satisfied customers will patronize your business again and again, and will be happy to recommend your salon to their friends, relatives, and business associates. Unsatisfied clients will not. [Click here to read full article...]

2017-04-09T06:49:06-07:00April 9th, 2017|

How Do You Measure Success and Happiness?

  People measure success and happiness in many ways. Your challenge is to carefully define your own unique guidelines to your own happiness. For example many measure success by wealth alone, to many people this is important, but we all know there are many other factors on how to measure success and happiness. Personally I never measure success and happiness based on money ,  I measure wealth by family, peace of mind, good health, fulfillment and helping others. Of course we all know that money [Click here to read full article...]

2017-03-12T12:31:39-07:00March 12th, 2017|

A Tough Message Love from Jon Gonzales

I can tell you what you want to hear and make you feel good, but motivation only last a couple of weeks,or i can give you tough love and tell you what you need to hear, and yes I will step on a few toes including my own. As professionals I know you want straight talk, not the glitter and hype within our profession. If we are to grow we need to have the courage to look on the dark side of our profession if [Click here to read full article...]

2018-08-28T00:36:17-07:00March 12th, 2017|

Developing Self Confidence

"You are special and unique. Live up to your own expectations, not the expectations of others." Developing self confidence is a critical component to finding happiness within --- personally, professionally, and financially. We live in a very changing and uncertain economic climate. Many people fear the unknown; many more are in denial and refuse to change with the times. The beauty profession requires new thinking, new ideas, change, extra effort, and sacrifices. Without self confidence, these challenges will become overwhelming for any hairdresser or salon [Click here to read full article...]

2021-09-30T11:59:03-07:00February 19th, 2017|

How to Find and Keep Top Talent

“Time spent hiring peak performers will be a great investment and time well spent.” – Jon Gonzales Finding and keeping top talent is a key component to building and keeping your championship team. As I travel throughout the United States and Canada presenting my business seminars to salon owners and managers, one of the top questions I am asked over and over by salon owners; how do I find quality hairdressers? Why is it so difficult to find talent who truly have a passion about [Click here to read full article...]

2017-02-05T11:40:15-08:00February 5th, 2017|

Financial Planning —- Start Now!

" A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free of worry about the what-ifs of life." ---Suze Orman A New Year is an excellent time to develop an action plan for securing your financial independence and financial planning. I think you’ll all agree that the cost of living keeps escalating, and with the way things are going, you may have to wait to retire until age 70 before claiming social security benefits. Another challenge that’s confronting hairdressers is the rising [Click here to read full article...]

2017-01-31T09:15:59-08:00January 30th, 2017|

A New Beginning: New Year Resolutions for 2018

     A New Beginning: New Year Resolutions for 2017 "Happiness is that particular sensation you encounter when you're just too busy to feel miserable." - Jon Gonzales I do hope you all enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Now that the holiday season is behind us, let's plan and prepare for a new and successful year for your salon and team.  Although many salon owners had a difficult time making a profit sadly and many more failed. As rising business costs [Click here to read full article...]

2017-12-21T11:02:13-08:00January 3rd, 2017|

Developing an Effective Customer Communication Strategy

  "If you are unable to get your message across about the benefits of your services and products,your marketing efforts won't work." Salon owners that know how to develop effective communication strategies with their current customers and know how to connect with future customers for maximum effect will instantly improve their bottom line by keeping their clients informed. Salons that not only connect with their customers but also strive to cement  long time relationships that are long lasting and beneficial to both will clearly stand [Click here to read full article...]

2017-11-07T17:42:23-08:00November 6th, 2016|

When a Good Worker Goes Bad

"I personally do not believe some hairdressers perform poorly on purpose; they just did not receive proper guidance and education." - Jon Gonzales "He seemed like the right choice when I hired him. Now he refuses to be part of my team or follow our salon’s employee handbook and contribute to my salon's  team culture. He is always the ring leader in negativity, salon gossip, and pettiness." Do you fire him? The answer may surprise you. You probably have faced this challenge at one time [Click here to read full article...]

2017-01-26T09:44:46-08:00September 18th, 2016|


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