Salon ownership can be rough. Make sure you take time to take care of yourself and your business.Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?

Do you find it difficult to find and keep good help?

Are salon profits rising?

Do you manage your team, or do they manage you?

These are just some of the questions many salon owners face daily in trying to grow their business. The daily pressures of owning your own business, balancing your personal life, and raising your standard of living can be daunting especially in today’s tough economy. Owners must wear many hats in trying to deal with adversity and the challenges of owning your own business.Keep in mind,adversity also presents many opportunities . The following tips will help you meet adversity head on with confidence. It is my wish that these few tips will help you regain your passion and determination with confidence. I formed Hairdresser Career Development Career Development Systems  Click help you overcome the challenges of owning your own business . Persistence and determination will give you power to prevail over all challenges. Never , never give up.

Be a Fierce Competitor — learn to compete to be the best. Peaks and valleys are part of the growing process; take adversity as an opportunity that has the potential to open many possibilities.

Define Your Challenges — before you can solve your problems, you need to identify your problem, prioritize, and take action. Sit down and write out a list of problems, and you’ll begin seeing how to solve them.

Education — seek out knowledge and ongoing education. Be a fierce competitor by seeking out on-going education: learn how to gain that all important competitive edge, especially in the area of developing powerful business management skills.

Don’t Worry — live the moment, enjoy life, and count your blessings. Be thankful for good health, family, and the ability to be anything you want. You can do two things, worry and do nothing and hope everything will gets better, or do something about it and take action. You control your own destiny.

Take a Break — sometimes you just have to step away from your business and refocus. Our Salon Owners Conference Cruise to the Caribbean March 3-10 would be a great way to recharge your batteries. I also will be available throughout the cruise to answer your questions.

There are many new challenges facing our salons and our profession. Remember, help is available. Overcome the hardships and you will see your business burst with success. Never give up!