Inspire your team's productivity through an excellent rewards program.Increasing salon staff’s performance and productivity is crucial for any salon’s survival. The best way to go about it is by implementing a Benefits & Rewards Compensation System, a reward program within your salon.

Before creating such a system, first review your salon goals and objectives—ensure they are clearly defined—and then prioritize your real needs.

You must also evaluate your profit and loss statement to see if you can afford to create a rewards program.

Once you’re sure you can afford one, create an excellent and enticing reward program by including the following:

Send a Simple Thank You Card — let your staff member know you appreciate their efforts in contributing to a professional and positive team environment. Let them know you appreciate their loyalty and hard work. Couple this card with a gift certificate to Starbucks for coffee  or a movie and your hairdressers will be appreciate how much you appreciate their hard work. Happy employees is the best way to improve productivity.

Make Your Staff Feel special — work hard to make each staff member feel special and important.  It shows you appreciate their hard work and effort.  There are many ways to reward hard work,like a thank you card, a little personal note with their pay check praising their performance and productivity will always be appreciated. Small investments such as buying lunch on a busy Saturday for everyone, or flowers for birthdays or Mother’s Day could make all the difference in showing them you appreciate their hard work.

Here are a few tips:

Invest in Education —more direct rewards should demonstrate how you are investing

in your hairdresser’s growth an development. Show you care by sending them to an educational event.

Sending them to one of my  seminar s or to a hair expo are great ways to demonstrate that you want them to succeed in the beauty business, a sure way to improve their performance and productivity.

Award a Gift Certificate — a great reward system always gives gifts for a job well done. Give peak performers a gift certificate or a special day off for exceeding your goals and expectations.

Reward Perfect Attendance — offer something special for not missing work for a year. Perhaps a bonus or salon services for the most improvement in attendance and timely arrival.

Hold a Team Contest — have team contests and reward the staff member that sells the most in retail or other salon services. Reward the winning team with some fun gifts or tickets to a show or theme park. These types of affordable rewards encourage your employees in some fun competition, a great way to see productivity skyrocket in your salon.

In the end, improving staff performance and productivity will always be a challenge—but it doesn’t have to be one you face alone. Remember: rewarding performance and productivity  will always help in towards earnin the trust and loyalty from your team.

If you are looking for more information on how to improve staff performance and productivity, my “Personal Growth Seminar” will be of enormous help for salon owners. If you are looking to train and improve your staff, Jon will be presenting an all day seminar for your hairdressers later this year.