Ready to grow your business with more customers?
The ultimate guide for Growing a successful & profitable Business!
Why are some salons constantly busy, and others just can’t seem to keep their chairs filled?
How is it that some salons attract an upscale clientele, while others just get by with casual customers?
What’s the Secret?
I’m Jon Gonzales, and welcome to my book Growing Your Business — the ultimate guide for building & growing a thriving and successful salon business.
Growing Your Business is for anyone who’s made the choice to be the most successful salon owner they can possibly be. If you’re satisfied with just getting by, then frankly speaking — this book isn’t for you.
But if you have a burning desire to be a cut above the rest and a top salon in the hairdressing industry… WELCOME!
Three Books in One!
Growing Your Business is actually 3 books in one.
Chapter 1
First, in Chapter 1 you’re going to learn about the process of getting new clients — one of the biggest hurdles facing any new salon. Just look at what I cover…
Market Research
- 22 essential factors for developing a customer profile
- Competition — who are they — and what are the 8 questions to ask when determining your relative strengths & weaknesses?
- How to effectively monitor your customer base-building results
Getting The Biggest Bang For Your Advertising Buck!
- 6 guidelines for effective advertising
- 8 rules to creative customer awareness – getting “inside” your client’s mindset
- 7 questions to ask about gauging your advertising’s appeal
- 9 practical, proven steps for writing a great ad
- 8 ways to determine if your ad is actually working
- 11 emotions that get people to act
- 14 items clients expect from you & your salon
- 17 tested venues for getting the message out
Now hold on to your curling iron, because we’re not finished — not by a long shot!
How to get the most revenue from current clients
- How to coax back those “lost sheep” clients
- How to attract new clients — 7 key areas to consider
- The 2 biggest obstacles to success – & how to overcome them
- When sales go south — the 15 factors to consider for finding out what went wrong
- Publicity! 7 ways to drum up a favorable news buzz
- 6 tactics for planning a great event
- Press Releases — the how and why of creating news releases that command attention and,
- 37 ways to promote your salon!
Chapter 2
Now… after you have a firm customer base, Chapter 2 reveals the secrets of customer retention — and how hiring the best hairdressers available will keep clients flocking to your salon — month after month, year after year.
- Why first time customers can become last time customers – & how to avoid it!
- How some hairdressers can turn even long term clients into strangers — and what you can do to stop it!
- Why customer dissatisfaction is not always the hairdresser fault, but the salon’s itself!
Hiring The Best
- 5 steps for getting the cream of the hairdressing crop
- How to train your hairdressers for excellence
- The EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK— why you MUST HAVE an employee handbook
- 14 key points of employee performance & expectations
- Why teamwork is essential
- Gossip & Pettiness — why they’re not just internal affairs, but can and do rub off on your clients — and your profits!
- Treating employees with respect — what never to do in front of the group
Improving Performance
- Dangers & pitfalls to avoid making when managing your team
- How to truly motivate your employees into giving the best they can
- The most difficult communication skill to learn — & how you can master the 4 steps about how it’s done!
It’s Not About Your Staff — It’s About Your Clients!
- How to turn one time customers into long term clients! 9 tips, tricks and suggestions — including actual letters, questionnaires and forms!
- The 9 benefits of customer feedback
- Dollars and Cents — How much is a single satisfied client is really worth to a salon? (You’ll be surprised!)
Chapter 3
And last — but certainly not least, in Chapter 3 we’ll be exploring one of the least understood (and undervalued) members of your team, and how this one single person can make or break your salon.
The Salon Coordinator – The Unsung Hero!
Your coordinator is not “just a receptionist!” A qualified salon coordinator keeps your entire salon business running smoothly — and is on the front lines when it comes to customer satisfaction and retention.
10 areas where this crucial employee can be of immeasurable help!
- Why your coordinator will be saving you time, stress & money!
- How the coordinator you hire will be your goodwill ambassador to your customers – and a virtual extension of you – the owner!
- The dozen traits of an exceptional coordinator revealed!
- Top 6 reasons a client leaves a salon — and why one salon coordinator skill is paramount in preventing almost 70% of lost business!
There’s much, much more… critical telephone skills, handling late arrivals, no shows, walk-ins & 1st time customers… booking and under booking… the importance of a first good impression…up-selling retail products & services… the list goes on and on.
This one book is jam-packed with my 40+ years of salon management know-how. Why go through trial and error or hit & miss mistakes, when you can have what works – right at your fingertips?
Grab your copy of Growing Your Business today — and start growing your own salon success tomorrow!
At only $49.95, this is one book you absolutely need in your business library.
Here’s to exciting & lasting success,
Jon Gonzales
P.S. You know, I’ve attended seminars about salon business-building tactics, and realized the material covered in this book far surpassed those over-priced and under-performing presentations. Do yourself a favor — before you sign up for one of those outrageously expensive no-name “boot camps” — get this book first!
And put the time and money you’ll be saving into making your salon a huge success!