A Nuts ‘N Bolts Guide To Building A Successful & Profitable Business!
It’s probably the least-liked part of any business — facts and figures, finances and plans. But unless you get these items in order, your salon will fail before it even gets off the ground.
Even though it may not be glamorous, as a salon owner you simply must master the business end of your operations.
And that’s where Creating Your Salon comes in.
I’ve done the grunt work & heavy lifting for you. You just follow my lead and my business blueprints — and soon you’ll be creating a finely tuned, well run and SUCCESSFUL salon.
The information you’ll soon be reading is a practical, down to earth and cost effective method for meeting challenges and overcoming obstacles when managing and running your business.
It’s written for the smaller salon owner, who not only has to make sure the bills are being paid, but is also working behind a chair — in the trenches with the other hairdressers.
Part I — Creating Your Business Plan
A business plan isn’t just a roadmap keeping you on course — it’s essential if you ever decide you’re going to apply for financing or a business loan.
Walking into a bank without a solid, well written plan will produce only one result: being shown the door.
In part one, we discuss the 9 essential elements that make for a strong business plan, as well as walking you step by step through the 8 major components with their individual sub-chapters every successful plan must have.
All in all, over 90 different points are meticulously discussed!
After completing this chapter, you WILL have a business plan in place, with a firm grasp on exactly how you’ll be able to reach both your career and financial goals.
Part II — Recruiting, Hiring & Developing Your Staff
Every successful salon has a winning team in place. Having the right people for the right job is essential in any business — and especially so for hairdressers. Even one “bad apple” can ruin your entire operation. Two or three problem employees just about guarantees failure.
The one thing you simply can’t afford to do is hire on a trial & error basis. All to often this hit or miss approach falls far short of the intended target.
By hiring the best, you’re not only improving the quality of your services but going a long way in retaining your most valuable asset – your clients.
Screening Applicants
It’s one thing to find applicants, it’s quite another to make sure they’re viable candidates for working in your salon. I walk you through the crucial screening process, even including an actual employee application form for you to use.
Not only that, I offer you my 40 years of insight on what to look at — and watch out for — when evaluating these application responses.
Interviewing Prospects
Interviewing is both an art and a science. It’s not just a question and answer session, you’ll also want to be looking behind the responses to weed out any inconsistencies or gaps in your applicants.
In Creating Your Salon we’ll take a look at the 17 critical questions you should be asking, and the type of responses that make for a potentially strong employee. We’ll also discuss the 7 important traits of a winning team member. Traits such as:
- Appearance
- Personality
- Attitude,
- Education… and others.
I even go into detail about the 6 factors to consider when evaluating a candidate’s artistic skills.
Part III — You’re Hired — Now What?
After you’ve thoroughly considered the choices, eventually someone will be offered the job. It’s your duty now to make sure you protect your business and make sure your new employee fully understands the rules and terms of employment.
To ensure both goals are met, I’ve included an actual “fill in the blanks” Terms of Employment form for you to use, covering the most important considerations needed when taking on a new hire.
Creating Your Salon then guides you into what comes next — properly training your employee… turning a green recruit into a important member of your salon team!
One of the most valuable ways I’ve found out for bringing a new hairstylist up to speed is through the Junior Stylist Program. In my experience, there is no finer way for turning good talent into superior talent than through this program. The entire process is detailed for you in my Creating Your Salonguidebook — including the 11 benefits possible by implementing it.
There’s much, much more covered… everything from on-going employee training & evaluations to meeting problems head-one before they get out of hand. It’s a distillation of my 40 years hands-on experience with hiring, training and keeping the best of the best.
Your Salon’s Bible — The Employee Handbook
If there is any one item that defines your salon, it’s the employee handbook. Owning a salon and not having one is like trying to construct a house without blueprints. The end result is going to be a disaster.
How can you expect your staff to perform if they don’t know what your expectations are, and how their performance will be measured.
In Creating Your Salon I go through the crucial elements every employee handbook must have, explaining why each section is important. Not only that, but you’ll also be given a sample handbook to use in your own salon.
From your salon’s philosophy, to rules and regulations to compensation & schedules — everything a well written handbook should & must have is included.
Modify the sections to suit your own particular needs — and you’re in business!
Order your copy of Creating Your Salon today. At only $49.95, this one book will virtually be your personal coach for creating and running a highly successful and money-making salon.