Staff Retention

Staff Retention Identifying and Avoiding the Causes of Staff Turnover is a major challenge for employers. As many of you are aware,the beauty profession has dramatically changed these past few years. Building your team is becoming increasingly difficult. It's difficult enough finding quality workers much less avoiding staff turnover. Many of your top hairdressers are are being offered suite rentals, or the options of entering into booth rental. No salon can maintain continued growth and profitability with a constant merry go round of staff instability [Click here to read full article...]

2018-10-03T07:22:31-07:00April 30th, 2017|

The Coming Storm

A storm is growing for salon owners. Are you prepared? There's a storm brewing on the horizon for salon owners and beauty professionals. During my forty-five years as a salon owner and ten years as an educator, I have observed many growing challenges facing not only salon owners , but hairdressers and beauty professionals. And in my opinion, the beauty industry has not adapted to the many challenges, changes, and obstacles facing salon owners, hairdressers, and  beauty professionals . Times are tough, and [Click here to read full article...]

2017-04-23T12:08:48-07:00April 23rd, 2017|

Keeping Customers Part 2: Building Your Team

The key to keeping customers is staff development, so let's talk about building your own championship team. Building your team requires that you take great care in selecting your staff. The inability to hire and train hairdressers is one of the leading causes of salon failure. Avoid a hit-and-miss approach to team building---it's just too costly! By building your team to perfection, you will ensure your salon continues keeping customers. Educate Your Staff --- Invest in your salon’s greatest profit potential by educating your staff. [Click here to read full article...]

2017-04-15T11:13:48-07:00April 16th, 2017|

Keeping Customers Part 1:

Keeping Customers in today’s competitive and changing business environment is challenging to say the least. Salon owners can no longer afford a trial-and-error approach to client retention. With skyrocketing business costs, heightened consumer demands, rising competition, and the escalating costs of marketing and advertising, salon owners cannot afford the devastating effects of customer’s just too costly. Satisfied customers will patronize your business again and again, and will be happy to recommend your salon to their friends, relatives, and business associates. Unsatisfied clients will not. [Click here to read full article...]

2017-04-09T06:49:06-07:00April 9th, 2017|

Hairdresser Mistakes You Must Avoid

In today's competitive business climate, hairdresser mistakes can undermine your growth and development. Making mistakes most often leads to losing customers, something our salons cannot afford in a very competitive job market. No one's perfect, nor does any one perform poorly on purpose. Sometimes, mistakes happen. Here’s a list of common hairdresser mistakes that are hampering your performance and productivity. Avoid these simple hairdresser mistakes to become more efficient and successful in your quest to build a high end clientele. Maintain Stability -- Far too [Click here to read full article...]

2017-04-02T07:43:52-07:00April 2nd, 2017|

Combating Rising Business Costs

Paying our taxes is just around the corner, I feel this is an appropriate time to help you find ways to combat rising business costs. The costs and challenges of owning your own business continues to escalate; rising taxes, increased minimum wage, sick leave minimum wage, overtime mandates, fees, energy, and more. As business costs rise, the margin of profitability keeps getting lower. The growing trend towards high and low end franchises, booth rental, franchise suites, price and commission wars, lack of business skills on [Click here to read full article...]

2017-03-28T00:47:32-07:00March 26th, 2017|

How Do You Measure Success and Happiness?

  People measure success and happiness in many ways. Your challenge is to carefully define your own unique guidelines to your own happiness. For example many measure success by wealth alone, to many people this is important, but we all know there are many other factors on how to measure success and happiness. Personally I never measure success and happiness based on money ,  I measure wealth by family, peace of mind, good health, fulfillment and helping others. Of course we all know that money [Click here to read full article...]

2017-03-12T12:31:39-07:00March 12th, 2017|

A Tough Message Love from Jon Gonzales

I can tell you what you want to hear and make you feel good, but motivation only last a couple of weeks,or i can give you tough love and tell you what you need to hear, and yes I will step on a few toes including my own. As professionals I know you want straight talk, not the glitter and hype within our profession. If we are to grow we need to have the courage to look on the dark side of our profession if [Click here to read full article...]

2018-08-28T00:36:17-07:00March 12th, 2017|

Overcoming Turmoil and Change in the Beauty Profession

Overcoming turmoil and change in the beauty profession.  If there are two words that best describe the beauty industry today, I’d say they are change and turmoil. I ‘m sure you will agree, our profession is facing difficult challenges due to a changing economy.    All facets of our industry are paying a heavy price for not adapting to change and addressing the growing challenges of owning a profitable business. Our  new generation of hairdressers and salon owners will especially be vulnerable  meeting these challenges [Click here to read full article...]

2017-03-05T12:40:16-08:00March 5th, 2017|

Developing Self Confidence

"You are special and unique. Live up to your own expectations, not the expectations of others." Developing self confidence is a critical component to finding happiness within --- personally, professionally, and financially. We live in a very changing and uncertain economic climate. Many people fear the unknown; many more are in denial and refuse to change with the times. The beauty profession requires new thinking, new ideas, change, extra effort, and sacrifices. Without self confidence, these challenges will become overwhelming for any hairdresser or salon [Click here to read full article...]

2021-09-30T11:59:03-07:00February 19th, 2017|

Turning Business Challenges into Opportunities

"I am a great believer in luck: I find the harder I work to grow my business, the more I experience it." -  Jon Gonzales It’s no secret that the beauty industry is product driven and needs educational reform. Sadly, many salons will fail because far too many salon owners are in denial and will not seek out education with an open mind---especially in regards to business management.  In spite of the many challenges salon owners face daily, I see a coming boom for open [Click here to read full article...]

2017-02-11T14:27:06-08:00February 12th, 2017|

How to Find and Keep Top Talent

“Time spent hiring peak performers will be a great investment and time well spent.” – Jon Gonzales Finding and keeping top talent is a key component to building and keeping your championship team. As I travel throughout the United States and Canada presenting my business seminars to salon owners and managers, one of the top questions I am asked over and over by salon owners; how do I find quality hairdressers? Why is it so difficult to find talent who truly have a passion about [Click here to read full article...]

2017-02-05T11:40:15-08:00February 5th, 2017|

Financial Planning —- Start Now!

" A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free of worry about the what-ifs of life." ---Suze Orman A New Year is an excellent time to develop an action plan for securing your financial independence and financial planning. I think you’ll all agree that the cost of living keeps escalating, and with the way things are going, you may have to wait to retire until age 70 before claiming social security benefits. Another challenge that’s confronting hairdressers is the rising [Click here to read full article...]

2017-01-31T09:15:59-08:00January 30th, 2017|

A New Beginning: New Year Resolutions for 2018

     A New Beginning: New Year Resolutions for 2017 "Happiness is that particular sensation you encounter when you're just too busy to feel miserable." - Jon Gonzales I do hope you all enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Now that the holiday season is behind us, let's plan and prepare for a new and successful year for your salon and team.  Although many salon owners had a difficult time making a profit sadly and many more failed. As rising business costs [Click here to read full article...]

2017-12-21T11:02:13-08:00January 3rd, 2017|

Benefits of an Employee Handbook

"When everyone shares the same vision and goals , a positive and professional salon environment will be your reward." -- Jon GonzalesOne of the leading causes of staff turnover and lack of communication between staff and management is the absence of an employee handbook. Many of your challenges towards improving staff performance and growing your business could be eliminated with an effective and well defined employee handbook.How can you expect your team to perform if they do not understand what is expected and how [Click here to read full article...]

2022-04-12T10:04:27-07:00November 13th, 2016|

Developing an Effective Customer Communication Strategy

  "If you are unable to get your message across about the benefits of your services and products,your marketing efforts won't work." Salon owners that know how to develop effective communication strategies with their current customers and know how to connect with future customers for maximum effect will instantly improve their bottom line by keeping their clients informed. Salons that not only connect with their customers but also strive to cement  long time relationships that are long lasting and beneficial to both will clearly stand [Click here to read full article...]

2017-11-07T17:42:23-08:00November 6th, 2016|

When a Good Worker Goes Bad

"I personally do not believe some hairdressers perform poorly on purpose; they just did not receive proper guidance and education." - Jon Gonzales "He seemed like the right choice when I hired him. Now he refuses to be part of my team or follow our salon’s employee handbook and contribute to my salon's  team culture. He is always the ring leader in negativity, salon gossip, and pettiness." Do you fire him? The answer may surprise you. You probably have faced this challenge at one time [Click here to read full article...]

2017-01-26T09:44:46-08:00September 18th, 2016|

Straight Talk from Jon Gonzales

Straight Talk from Jon Gonzales My straight talk blog post is designed to identify and find solutions affecting our salon, our standard of living and our profession. Those of you who know me, know I have the utmost respect for everyone working in the beauty profession,especially salon owners and hairdressers. You also know I am not afraid to expose the many obstacles within our profession. Glitter and hype aside, I believe you want straight talk,I can tell you what you want to hear and make [Click here to read full article...]

2017-10-31T11:45:41-07:00September 11th, 2016|

Are You Really Making a Profit?

"The easiest way to increase profits is to cut overhead costs."  Combating Rising Business Costs: The cost of owning your own business will continue to escalate. Rising  business costs, rising taxes, fees, new minimum wage and overtime mandates, price and commission wars, the list goes on and on. As business costs rise, your profit margin will continue to be lower. This coupled with your personal living expenses, rising costs of living, costs such as food, gas, etc, will also escalate. Your challenge is to find [Click here to read full article...]

2016-09-04T09:32:46-07:00September 4th, 2016|

Employee Training

"A team that learns together grows together."  Jon Gonzales In the absence of an apprenticeship or intern program, salon owners will have to develop their own educational program of employee training. The foundation to building a successful team employee training and development begins with you, the owner. The first 6 months of employee training is a critical time in making sure your new staff member shares your vision, goals, and educational quality control systems. A 6 month probationary period will help you measure their performance. [Click here to read full article...]

2016-08-28T13:45:29-07:00August 28th, 2016|


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