A Hairdresser’s Guide to Excellence
The One Motivational CD You Simply Must Own!
The Personal Growth Tutoring Guide For Business Minded Hairdressers
Attention Hairdressers: Are you truly ready to be in the top 5% of your industry — becoming business minded pros who want to know more than just cutting & styling hair?
- Do you ever feel lost in your career path at times?
- Are you stuck in a rut, and just can’t seem to get motivated?
- Does your enthusiasm lag behind your goals – and if only you had a trusted advisor giving you the push you need – you’d get back on track?
Well… heads up! In Jon’s motivating and information packed audio CD, you’ll be virtually infused with renewed passion and gusto for achieving life-long career and financial success!
You’ll be walking through Jon’s special plan for making informed decisions about your personal and professional growth & development – based on fact, not guesswork.
Hard work is always involved in achieving success. But far too many of us are spinning our wheels and grinding our gears on tasks and actions that never seem to bring us the rewards we’re looking for.
This audio presentation is your blueprint for working smarter – not harder, and grabbing the success that can now be yours!
Educate, Stimulate, Inspire & Motivate!
Forget the glitter & hype of your average hairdressing presentations.
In this no-nonsense, down to earth audio program Jon reveals the tips, tactics and strategies that made him one of the best pros in the industry. He’ll not only give you a virtual roadmap to success, but point out the traps and pitfalls that discourage so many others in our business.
Adversity in your hairdressing career is a part of life, but Jon is going to show you how to turn those hardships into money making opportunities!
You’ll walk through the obstacles facing every stylist and salon owner today, and then be given the specific, detailed steps you must be taking in order to come out (& stay up!) on top.
Building Demand — Jon’s Personal Pyramid to Career Success!
Call it what you will, true grit, a burning desire to succeed, the competitive spirit – if you’re willing to make changes in your life, the rewards can and will be staggering.
But what most people lack is a plan of action, a precise map of directions pointing out the way to ultimate success. Beauty school never even touches upon this part of your career advancement, but in this ExcellenceCD, you’ll learn over 2 dozen methods and actions for taking your career to the highest levels of success, such as…
- Team Work – How to settle differences while keeping a enthusiastic working environment…
- Perseverance – How to reach and exceed your personal & financial goals…
- Self Motivation – How to push your self to higher levels of excellence…
- People & Communication Skills – The absolutely essential elements every professional beauty expert must posses in order to become tops in their field…
- Rekindling Desire & Passion – Bringing out the best in you & your skills…
- Procrastination – 4 steps in overcoming this lazy, unproductive habit
- Courtesy & Customer Service – 6 crucial factors that can make or break your career, and
- Why Hairdressing Can be Your Shortcut to Success!
- Plus BUSLOADS More…
Double or Even Triple Your Current Income!
In this Excellence Audio Presentation, Jon will even uncoverpractical, workable methods in helping you explode your incomeby 200 or even 300%!
The very practices he and his associates used when forging their own healthy financial rewards will now be yours…
- How to Drum Up New Business… and heftier paydays!
- Tooting Your Own Horn – marketing yourself to success!
- Customer Handling Procedures – Jon’s personal 4 decisive areas where vital first impressions are formed!
- Retention – How to make sure you’re keeping what you’ve got!
- Specific Strategies to Consider & Use -Each dissatisfied client can cost you dearly! Learn the 9 times rule of disgruntled customers – and how to avoid it!
- Even A Special Segment On Hair Cutting Techniques & Procedures, plus much, much more!
Jon takes this exceptional mentoring CD one step further, by discussing an often overlooked piece of the successful hair career puzzle…
Planning for Your Future
Listen to Jon’s “Plan of Action” for achieving financial security & independence. Far too many people seem to think the future will take care of itself. But all too often, that kind of belief will only bring you a fat, rude surprise later on in life!
Jon tackles these hard questions head-on, such as:
- Money Management – how to grow your income day after day while keeping more of what you earned where it belongs – in YOUR pocket!
- Planning Ahead – Find out what you MUST be doing now to avoid problems later on!
- Retirement considerations – How by simply putting aside small amounts every week while you’re starting out will ensure you a stress free retirement. (Believe me, it’ll come faster than you ever imagined!)
A Hairdresser’s Guide to Excellence Audio CD Series: 2 CDs
2 ½ Hours Of The Best Advice You’ll Hear This Year!
Grab these CDs today, and when they arrive make sure you start listening to them right away.
It’ll be like having Jon at your side, guiding you towards success – patiently explaining how to make the most out of your career, your profession and your personal finances.
This is one audio mentoring guide you don’t want to be without!
Now you may be wondering “How much is this program and how can I get it?”
It’s not going to cost you $300 like some packages, it’s not going to cost $200.
That’s right… this one small investment get’s you Jon’s 40+ years of insight and guidance delivered right to your doorstep. So what are you waiting for?
Why order this hard-hitting CD now?
Because if you put it off for later, you’ll only have yourself to blame when your career and financial situation remain stuck in neutral, while others around you are forging a new and wonderful life for themselves & their families.
Your new life is just around the corner…Go for it!
P.S. Do you have what it takes to change your life? Your chance to become a master hairs stylist and achieve financial freedom has arrived.
Will you grab the brass ring?
Then get Jon’s CD today and a better life tomorrow!