” In order to succeed,your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”  — Bill Cosby

For far too many of our colleagues, 2012 was a tough year for both hairdressers and salon owners. Let us learn from the past and look to a brighter future for ourselves and our families. Let us view our past mistakes and challenges as an opportunity to benefit from adversity and begin 2013 as an opportunity to start over and a lot wiser.

As we prepare to enter a new year, let us renew our passion and fighting spirit to succeed. Your attitude towards adversity will determine your own success or failure. Don’t follow the doom and gloom crowd always looking for excuses to fail.  Look at adversity as a fantastic opportunity to move forward in reaching your goals and aspirations. Your biggest obstacle to your own success and happiness will probably be you,don,t fall into this trap. You control your own destiny.

The following steps will help you through these challenging times:

  • Set Goals — you must clarify what will make you happy (personally, professionally, and financially.) Clearly define your goals, write them down, make sure your goals are realistic and reachable, and then work hard to make them a reality. Once you’ve achieved a set of goals, be sure to set new ones.Keep challenging yourself everyday.
  • Be Thankful — Never allow worry and stress get you down. Be thankful that you have good health, a family who cares, the opportunity that you live in the best country in the world where you have the freedom to grow your dreams, and  have the potential to be anything you want to be provided you’re willing to work hard in achieving your dreams and goals. Anything is possible if you believe.
  • Laugh a Little —Overcoming adversity, it’s just one of those days. Getting upset over tough days will never solve your problems, define your problem, meet it head with confidence and move on. Many people have bigger problems than yours, such as poor health , job loss, family tragedies;  be thankful for your blessings, tomorrow is just another day. Live life and every moment to the fullest, enjoy the moment you may not be here tomorrow. Develop a positive attitude and a fierce determination to succeed despite obstacles along the way.
  • Address Your Challenge Immediately— don’t let it fester into a larger problem. The longer you wait, the bigger your challenge. If your problem involves a staff member who refuses to be part of your team,  your challenge is to find a mutual solution. You may want to evaluate yourself as a leader of your team as well.
  • Clearly Define Obstacles — what is keeping you up at night or causing you stress and anxiety.  Clearly define your obstacle and then prioritize as most important, address it, then move on. Before you can find solutions to your problems, you need to clearly define the causes of your obstacles.
  • Renew Your Passion — you must develop your competitive spirit and regain your passion to succeed if you want to move forward to a higher level.  Far too many people allow for complacency to rob them of success and happiness.
  • Seek out Education— Seek out help, learn from people that have over come the many challenges of salon ownership. Knowledge is power only when it is turned on. Help is available, use it. Many people will say education is expensive, try ignorance. Hairdresser Career Development Systems is your partner in helping you reach your goals and full learning and earning potential. Start the new year as a new beginning with fantastic opportunities   for yourself and your families. I see 2013 as a great opportunity for those well informed. My business seminar schedule will be released next week.
  • Stay Focused — You will encounter many well meaning people and distractions for your valuable time. Sometimes it is difficult to divide yourself from family, social activities,and friends when trying to run a successful business, your challenge will be in trying to balance business and your personal life.

It is my sincere wish that you and your families have a great 2013. For daily business tips and success tips follow me on my business fan page, click here or join Jon Gonzales Inner Circle Discussion Group on my linked in page.Click here.