“Persistence and determination will give you the power to prevail over all obstacles.”

Owning a successful business is a daunting experience and can seem overwhelming at times. As a salon owner you must wear many hats. The many challenges of salon ownership in a very volatile economy can be overwhelming. I’m sure everything that has happened to you has happened to me in my 43 year career as a working hairdresser/salon owner.

You certainly will experience many peaks and valleys owning a successful and profitable business. One thing I have learned over the years is the challenge of staying motivated, with a passion to make my business a success no matter what it takes.

If you don’t develop a fierce inner passion and determination to take your self,your staff, and business to a higher level, you will be setting the stage for mediocrity and just get by,and run the risk of failure. But, if you get help and find help, you will regain  your passion and competitive spirit  and move forward.When you believe you will succeed, you probably will.

Many of us are victims of a profession and educational learning system that has not adapted to change. I formed Hairdresser Career Development Systems,free of any special interest groups to help you on your journey in helping you regain your fighting spirit and help you  you overcome the many challenges of salon ownership

Follow the following tips with an open mind:

Delegate — don’t try to do everything yourself. Seek out help. Ask a key member of your team to help you manage your business and serve as your director of education. A Salon coordinator also can be invaluable in easing the heavy burdens and responsibilities of salon ownership. Refer to my chapter on how to develop your salon coordinator. Click here

Learn Business — learn to work smarter, not harder. Develop powerful business management skills. Make sure you attend my two day intensive business management seminar when one comes to your area. Lack of business management skills is one of the leading causes of business failure.

Hire the Right People — if you surround yourself with a positive minded team, you will eliminate many of your challenges of managing people, by managing professionals, instead of baby sitting and constantly putting out internal fires and dealing with back room gossip and pettiness.

When adding a new member to your team, make sure they share your goals, vision, and educational training program. woman-865021_640

Laugh a Little — tomorrow’s another day, never let your business undermine your personal happiness and family life. Identify the problem and deal with it another day by learning to laugh a little.

Believe in Yourself — you control your own success and happiness; have faith in your skills and ability. Replace I can’t with I can.

Organization and Structure — get yourself organized and structured so you can manage your salon instead of your business managing you.

Educate Your Team — I urge you to invest in your salon’s greatest profit potential— educate your team. I am excited to announce that on Monday September 19,I will be presenting an all day personal development seminar  designed to help you improve staff performance and productivity. Click here for complete information. Today’s professional hairdresser will have to know more than how to cut and style hair if they want to be elite professionals who are passionate about self improvement.

I hope these few tips will inspire you to regain your passion as a salon owner.

You’re not alone anymore, help is available, let me help you regain that passion to succeed. Click Here